slack jawed fool

Today I saw a woman passed out on the sidewalk, young.
She was cradled by a man, old.
It didn’t look like they were ok.
But, I think they were ok as they could be.
I hope.
I almost stopped, but I was late. So I kept walking.
This haunts me now.

Sometimes this city leaves me fealing like a slack jawed fool.
Ain’t that simply the only thing to say sometimes.
Open eyes, mouth agappen’.
Sometimes for good.
Sometimes for worry.
Sometimes because the world is mean. Really mean like a crossed lover with a jealous streak and eyes of steal.
Sometimes because the world is outrageously beautiful and kind beyond measure.
Lovin’ and beautiful like Skip James singing Crow Jane, a bottle of Maker’s Mark and view of the bridge on a cold night when things are right, but not the way you want them.

Sometimes this life happens funny.
I got my hair cut today, and got it blonde.
Somehow that helped me get to the PTA meeting to deliver a talk about the budget with only my big black prescription sunglasses. I gave the talk with them on. People seemed to listen. And I could see the presentation on the screen across the room.

I walked past the spot where the young woman and old man were on my way home.
They were there no longer.
I wonder. I hope they are ok.

dolly parton singing peace train – always makes me cry! thanks dolly!

or the epic mix

peace train you all. peace train.


~ by asmallfryup on September 9, 2010.

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